Don’t be boring with an off the shelf Mic stand. Build one yourself so you will stand out from the rest!
I built this chain link mic stand for a customer a couple of years ago and figured that some of you might want to try it too. It is not a complete step by step, but should give you a pretty good idea of how to do it. If it is not something you want to take on yourself, there are links to where you can order one from us at the bottom!
Required supplies:
- The better part of an afternoon
- Mic stand (so you can cut it apart and use it’s parts)
Like this:
- ~6ft of chain – which is not as cheap as it used to be. I prefer thicker 3/8″ chain for additional stiffness
Required Tools:
- Mig Welder
(and related safety equipment)
- Angle Grinder
(to cut apart the old stand)
- A piece of angle iron or a board (something to lay the chain against/in so it is straight when you weld it together)
It is really pretty straight forward to make. The only things used off the old stand are the base, bottom 2″ of tube with screw adapter, top 2″ of tube with screw adapter, and the mic holder. I now build bases from scratch with chain also.
Lay the chain inside of a piece of angle iron and weld the links together. Then cut the new stick of chain to your desired length, and weld the bottom and top pieces of tubing from the mic stand onto your piece of chain. Viola! A one off custom chain mic stand.
I took the one I built a step further and created a junction in the middle where the stand could be broken into two pieces. The junction was basically just a bolt and nut with a piece of tubing welded over them so it would look fancy. Check out the pictures and try it for yourself! It doesn’t need to be perfect, it just needs to be unique to you.

Don’t have the tools to build your own? Order one from us below!
I have since built a couple more versions of chain link mic stands and now have them on my store.
Our band is looking for a custom chain mic stand or two. Could you make them for us? Super cool!
Ya, we can help with that. I’ll send you an email.