The solar powered “Lawn-delier”

Introducing, the Lawn-delier! Everybody needs one of these in their backyard.  Not very useful, but adds a cool ambiance  at night.



It all starts with a pile of metal and a dirty workbench. (I swear I’m ganna clean it one of these days…)


Having already done a quick online search for some chandelier ideas before I started. The next step was to come up with a template for how I wanted them bent. This looks about right.


A big vice, immovable 400lb steel table, and a lot of muscles later, we have 6 matching pieces. (5 for the Lawn-delier and 1 to keep as a template).


Tacked one to the table and used a piece of allthread as a spacer. Then laid out the rest of them so the spacing was even.


Welded up and doing some testing with the lights.


Passes the “looks cool” test. Time for final weld and paint.


Final welded and ready for paint.


Of course, Gertrude was assisting the whole time.


She came up with a new eye-spy game. Which of these is not a tomato????


Forgot to take pictures of the process of making the hanging rod. But it was made in a similar fashion – vice, table, muscles, welding. Has a flange with 4 screw holes to attach to the fence. I also decided to shorten the supports to the solar lights.

So there you have it. A weather resistant, fully autonomous Lawn-delier. It is aesthetically pleasing, charges during the day, and automatically comes on at night. Genius!

Update with a night picture! I finally dug out my “real” camera instead of my iPhone. Still a little blurry, but you get the point.



These can be built to specifications. Want 3 tiers and 20 lights? We could probably work that out. Click the “Contact” button at the top of this page and leave me a message.

Check out this and other products for sale HERE.




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