Check out this quick video on how I keep my tools clean, dry, and protected in my shop for almost free! I have been doing it this way for about a decade and it works really well.
I wrote up my original post DIY SUPER CHEAP tool storage on the same topic way back in 2016! Here we are in 2023 and I am still using the very same filing cabinets, the only difference is that they have grown in number to about 10 cabinets now after I picked up 2 more tonight.
This tip is too good not to pass on. Especially with a bunch of offices digitizing and closing up shop since everyone working from home, I bet there will be quite a few available.
Don’t get me wrong, I would love to go drop $1,000+ on a nice workbench style toolbox (I have my eye on a couple), but I haven’t managed to justify it yet. Maybe if everybody likes my video and subscribes I can make meeeelions of $$$ and get a decent toolbox, until then I will keep on finding innovative solutions for optimizing my workshop so I can get more done. 😁
Hope you enjoyed. Post up below or on the video if you have any tips or tricks you use to store tools in your shop. Also, don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube Channel!
Now YOU, go outside and work on something!