2 Need a winch at the front of your trailer to drag home those AWESOME Craigslist finds? Check out this post for some ideas on how to mount it. DIY Winch Mount on Flatbed TrailerMarch 6, 2015 in FABRICATION PROJECTS tagged ATV Winch / car trailer / Fabrication / Metal Fabrication / Mig Welding / Trailer / Trailer Winch / Welding by Paul
9 Had to put new wood on my trailer the other day. The original wood lasted ~7 years. So I figured I would do a quick write up for those of you who don’t know how to do it. How to Replace Wood Deck on Flatbed TrailerJune 15, 2014 in FABRICATION PROJECTS tagged car hauler / car trailer / decking / Fabrication / rotten wood / Trailer / wood by Paul