Had a request to build a simple roll cage on a mid ’80’s Toyota offroad truck. The design came out simple and affordable, yet strong enough to protect the occupants in a rollover.
Ol’ Blue is my long term project I traded CrAzYbLaZe project for in the beginning of 2011. This page is an index of the projects and changes to it where you will be able to click links to mini project posts.
For this project, I wanted to build something MANLY. After thinking about it for a while, I decided that it had to have something to do with Meat, Beer, and Tailgating. Therefore, I present you “The OOBER Receiver Hitch and Hauler Grill”.
I hate things that cost me money! So when my GE Dryer started ruining my clothes, it had my attention very quickly. If your clothes have started magically appearing with dark “PINCH” marks, you need to read this article!
I introduce to you “The CrAzYbLaZe”. Some projects from the past just need some props and proper documentation. I actually got rid of this billy-goat of a vehicle a couple of years ago, but it’s legend lives on to this day. Since it would take way too much work to […]
This is the start of my new “TOOLS OF THE TRADE!” series of articles. Today we will be starting with Tubing Benders as I just happen to be working on a project right now that requires some bent tube (article on that project to follow soon). To start off with, […]
Production is a mighty force, especially in the workplace. Having personally run crews of machine and equipment operators, I know how stressful and expensive it is to have 10 people at $XX.XX an hour standing there staring at you while you try to figure out a plan to get […]
So, I have always wanted to build a trailer mounted smoker. I have actually been thinking about it and planning it out in my head for a long time (possibly years). One day a couple of weeks ago my Dad comes up to me and asks if I knew anybody […]