We all have that ‘thing’ that we don’t know where to store in our vehicles. Whether it be a fire extinguisher, shovel, lug wrench, rifle, etc. In my case I needed to relocate my scissor jack. Quick Fist clamps to the rescue! Rubber clamps in just about any size to […]
Every once in a while you find a tool that you think ‘wow, that job would have sucked without that tool’. This Rivet nut tool is one of them! I recently (almost) finished my fuel tank enclosure from 14 gauge sheetmetal that I assembled exclusively with rivetnuts. As of now […]
I am always looking for better and safer ways to do things. I came across these Diamond 4.5″ metal cutting wheels and thought I would try them out. Read more to see how they performed!
Cutting out complex shapes in sheetmetal is challenging. Luckily some specialty tools are available to help us out! Read more for details on sheetmetal nibblers, how they work, and full write-up with pictures of how to use them!
EVERY shop struggles with organization and cleanliness. Here is a motivational story on how I cleaned my DIY Metal Fab shop up and got organized so I can rock some projects in 2019!
I am definitely not perfect but I always try to take any extra safety precautions that I can think of before doing any potentially dangerous tasks, and you should too. When I sit down and think about it I realize I have a lot to lose and there is no shortcut […]
One way to tell your blades need sharpening is by looking at the cut ends of the blades of grass. Read more to see how you can do it yourself quickly and cheaply.
Center punches will help you more accurately mark and drill holes so they are right the first time. Read more to learn about center punches and how they will improve your projects!
Everybody loves tools right? Well, maybe you don’t but I bet there is a father in your life that does! Check out my list for the top 10 tool gifts for Father’s Day 2018! (Reminder, it is June 17th!)
So this is part 2 of my garage lighting experience. I of course decided that the 4 new lights weren’t enough, so it was time to install two more. Read more to check out the completed project.